Brand Strategy
Brand identity
Product portfolio strategy
Product design concepts
Packaging design
Visual communication
Brand communication
Campaign toolboxes
As the original Swedish nasal congestion brand, Nezeril aimed to reclaim its rightful position as the #1 brand in Sweden. The strategic brand concept, “Breathe Freely", encapsulates the essence of Nezeril products while visually conveying the idea that there’s a Nezeril treatment for every type of nasal problem.
This concept is brought to life through an emotional world of color diversity, supported by a strong image concept, packaging design, and product communication.
Sed quis quuntem aut posam illestio. Itatiat iscientior sitaquae ium quo magnihitam, volum hiciendam reped millaceat faccus, cuptae duci con ni nus vendae con et ut faccum et deri abo. Itatia quam sequi nos culpa.